delivering outcome focused pivotal change

Let’s be clear, as business leaders we want outcomes, happy customers, great products, a passionate workforce and a profitable business for example. Strategy and transformation are just a means to an end, but in some cases,  it becomes the end and all site is lost of the original goals.  Over the years I have developed a simple 3 step approach to deliver key business goals and ambitions. This approach also allows you to clearly communication to the business which stage you are in at any point in time to ensure focus and speed.


The first stage of any business change is being clear on what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it - your business goals and ambition.
Imagine you are a group of friends who decide on evening that you will climb mount Everest to raise money for a charity that is supporting a family member - the what and the why are very clear.
However, if you just flew off to Nepal and started climbing, your chances of survival and success would be remote at best. Before you can deliver any goal or ambition you must first ensure your business is equipped to achieve it.


This is where the programme of transformation takes place.  In our analogy of climbing Everest, this is where equipment is purchased, guides are found, people go into training becoming fitter and learning new skills.
In the business world this is where new systems and processes are implemented, new talent is acquired and people start to think and act differently in preparation of delivering the new business objectives.
At the end of this stage you have not finished, merely prepared your organisation to deliver the outcomes you set in the first stage.


Your organisation is prepared, fit to deliver and achieve the goal, poised at base camp in the Himalayas ready to start the assent.
Do not confuse this stage with delivering change, that was done in the previous stage, this is all about achieving the goal and ambition- climbing to the top of the mountain.
Through this stage the organisation evolves and amtures as it faces and deals with many challenges,emerging stronger and with the the new ways of working and thing now part of "how we do things here".

How do I support you?

At each stage, my role changes:

  • In the first stage, my role is to challenge you to make sure you are really up for the journey and that the effort it will take.
  • In the second stage,  I can either lead the programmes of change on your behalf or provide advice and guidance to your leadership team.
  • In the final stage, I act as a coach/critical friend, challenging you to keep on the path and supporting you when you hit a difficult obstacle.