

Our businesses are special to us, not only do they provide income, they are where we do what we love doing, expressing our passions to deliver a great product or service. In my experience, the people who set up a business are experts in their field. However, as the business grows, it quickly becomes clear to their founders that there is more to continued success than just a great product or service. 

This is where I can help, my passion is businesses - how they are organised, led, managed and supported.  Few of us are lucky enough to be excellent at everything, I'm certainly not, but by combining together I believe we make something much greater than the sum of its parts.

"Working with John gave me the clarity, support and comradeship to navigate and resolve a very challenging business separation”

Keith, joint owner of £12m plus, manufacturing business

Working style

Throughout every engagement I work closely with you to understand your desired outcomes and constraints in building plans for change. As an experience operator, I am also acutely aware of the need to ensure business continuity throughout any period of change and the need for change to happen as quickly as possible. I also recognise that not everyone may be on board with the new outcomes and I use my skills as a qualified coach to help change hearts and minds. To underpin this, I bring a number of tools and methodologies that I have collected, developed and evolved over 25 years of working on and leading key business change programmes.

Delivery model

Delivering a new set of business outcomes is a 3 step process, direction - equip - delivery. Firstly be clear on what you want to achieve ( direction). Next make the necessary changes to your business that are essential to deliver the new outcomes (equip).  Finally, operate your business measuring it against metrics relevant to the outcomes you want to achieve (delivery).

In each stage my role changes. During Direction, my role is to understand and test your vision/goals. In Equip, my role is to work out what needs to change and then either advise you during the changes or directly lead the changes on your behalf.  In Deliver, my role is as a mentor/coach to ensure you stay on track and support you in removing any obstacles you may encounter.

Commercial model

I operate a flexible engagement model, that aims to match your needs by providing either consultancy, interim transformational leadership, non-exec advice and challenge or a combination of all three.

I recognise that change requires investment upfront and although I can potentially help you find grants and investment funding,  also if it helps, I am willing to look at alternative commercial models including risk reward sharing to spread the cost of change.